The Role of Ergonomics in Boosting Productivity

Niamh Pentony

Niamh Pentony

MSc. Applied Ergonomics

Productivity and performance are critical for success at an individual and an organizational level. Anecdotally, I have noticed an increase in podcasts and articles with tips for improving productivity, including time-blocking, improving sleep quality, reducing distractions, avoiding multitasking and AI among others. This got me thinking about the role that ergonomics has to play in enhancing productivity. 

When employees work in ergonomic environments, they experience fewer physical distractions—like back pain or wrist discomfort—which means they can focus more intently on their tasks. Ergonomics also helps conserve energy, allowing employees to maintain high levels of performance throughout the day. Ergonomics can help improve workflow and efficiency, improve engagement and in the long term reduce absenteeism. All of these benefits will increase productivity at an individual and organizational level and are the focus of this episode.

The blog for this episode can be found at:

As always, I can be found online and on social media:

Instagram: boyne_ergonomics

Twitter: niamh_pentony


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